What have we unintentionally dropped today?
- toothpick
- houseplant
- course in astrophysiology
- electric carving knife
- baby
- open bottle of Jack Daniels
- the eff bomb
- clawing housecat
See a world from a listly point of view: generally satirical, always bastardous, unorthodoxly funny, with a hint of lime and lithium. If you leave here laughing, it's a good thing. If you leave here touching yourself, it's even better. Now sit back, get your favorite laughing gas, and put on a tart-cart face, because Zaevodnik is bringing you a good show with a little more than 3,000mL to swallow and more sarcasm than you can shake a mixing bowl at. B|L: Your recipe for today’s laughing shits.
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