Sunday, February 19, 2006

Top 10 Locations for Osama bin Laden

NOTE: 1-10 ranges from the least to the most likely!

1.) Mt. Rushmore - George Washington's left nostril

2.) New Orleans with former FEMA director Michael Brown sipping a mojito

3.) Exiled with his harem and two camels to Siberia

4.) The Yukon - frozen in a dick-shaped ice cube

5.) With George Bush at his Texas ranch watching back episodes of the Teletubbies with him

6.) Spanking Dick Cheny in a field in Nebraska

7.) Having "peace-talks" with North Korea while playing with his nuts under that robe

8.) Shopping in Macy's for a new turbin and matching mocasins

9.) Kentucky...with all the rest of the retards, skanks, and the tooth-less

10.) Sharing Creme' Brule' with Laura Bush in the White House hot tub


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